Tel: +49 451 3101 4303
Congress Organization
Prof. Henrik Oster
Chaoqun Jiang
Welcome to the program overview for the EBRS 2025 Congress! In this presentation, we’ll provide you with a brief outline of the key sessions, topics, and events planned for this year's congress. Please note that this is a preliminary overview, and the schedule is subject to change as we finalize the details. Stay tuned for updates as we approach the event. We look forward to your participation!
Day to Day Program
Sunday 24 August 2025
08:00 – 09:00 - Trainee Day Check-in and Coffee
09:00 – 09:15 - Welcome by the EBRS Trainee Board
09:15 – 10:00 - Keynote Lecture (AM 2)
10:15 – 11:00 - Trainee Day Session 1
11:00 – 11:15 - Coffee Break
11:15 – 12:00 - Trainee Day Session 2
12:00 – 13:15 - Lunch Break
13:15 – 14:00 - Trainee Day Session 3
14:00 – 14:30 - Coffee Break
14:30 – 15:15 - Trainee Day Session 4
15:15 – 16:00 - Trivia quiz and closing remarks
14:00 – 16:30 - Registration for EBRS Congress (Foyer)
16:45 – 17:00 - Congress Opening / Welcome (AM 1)
17:00 – 17:45 - Opening Keynote (AM 1)
18:00 - Welcome Reception (Foyer)
09:00 – 09:15 - Welcome by the EBRS Trainee Board
Betty Rodriguez-Cortes (France)
09:15 – 10:00 - Keynote Lecture (AM 2)
Talk title
Speaker: Valérie Simonneaux (France)
10:15 – 11:00 - Trainee Day Session 1
AM 2: Basics of chronobiology - Andrew Millar (Ireland)
AM 3: The SCN achieves global impact through relay and amplification of diffusible signaling - Rae Silver (USA)
AM 4: PhD survival kit - Arisa Hirano (Japan)
11:00 – 11:15 - Coffee Break
11:15 – 12:00 - Trainee Day Session 2
AM 2: Evolution of the circadian system - Emi Nagoshi (Switzerland)
AM 3: Clocks in different environments - Alex West (Norway) & Noga Kronfeld-Schor (Israel)
AM 4: Is there life after PhD? Academic vs industry - Pieterjan Dierickx (Germany) & Yuanyuan Chen (Germany)
12:00 – 13:15 - Lunch Break
13:15 – 14:00 - Trainee Day Session 3
AM 2: Circadian rhythms in plants - Alex Webb (UK)
AM 3: Workshop on publishing - Marring Harrington (USA)
AM 4: Sex differences in circadian regulation - Horacio de la Iglesia (USA)
14:00 – 14:30 - Coffee Break
14:30 – 15:15 - Trainee Day Session 4
AM 2: Circadian biology in clinical setting - Laura Kervezee (Netherlands) & Dirk Jan Stenvers (Netherlands)
AM 3: Non-traditional model organisms in chronobiology - Kristin Tessmar (Austria) & Martha Merrow (Germany)
AM 4: Trends and future of chronobiology - Ruud Buijs (Mexico) & Satchin Panda (USA)
15:15 – 16:00 - Trivia quiz and closing remarks
14:00 – 16:30 - Registration for EBRS Congress (Foyer)
16:45 – 17:00 - Congress Opening / Welcome (AM 1)
17:00 – 17:45 - Opening Keynote (AM 1)
Speaker: Frank Scheer (Boston, USA)
Talk title
Chair: Henrik Oster (Lübeck, Germany)
18:00 - Welcome Reception (Foyer)
Monday 25 August 2025
08:45 – 09:15 - Welcome Coffee (Foyer)
09:15 – 10:00 - Kappers Lecture (AM 1)
10:00 – 10:30 - Coffee Break
12:00 - Selected abstract
12:15 - Selected abstract
12:00 - Selected abstract
12:15 - Selected abstract
12:00 - Selected abstract
12:15 - Selected abstract
12:30 – 12:40 - Group Photo of All Participants (Entrance Stairs)
12:40 – 14:00 - Lunch Break and Poster Session A
15:30 - Selected abstract
15:45 - Selected abstract
15:30 - Selected abstract
15:45 - Selected abstract
15:30 - Selected abstract
15:45 - Selected abstract
16:00 – 16:30 - Coffee Break
16:35 - Talk
Evening Activity - TBD
09:15 – 10:00 - Kappers Lecture (AM 1)
Chair: Christian Cajochen (Switzerland)
Speaker: Debra Skene (UK)
Talk title
10:00 – 10:30 - Coffee Break
Symposium 1: Clocks in the Brain
10:30 – 12:30 (AM 1)Chair: Alena Sumová (Czech Republic)
10:30 - Suprachiasmatic circadian circuitsSpeaker: Michael Hastings (UK)
10:55 - The SCN neuronal network in diurnal animalsSpeaker: Johanna Meijer (Netherlands)
11:20 - Visualization of cellular and network rhythmicity in the suprachiasmatic nucleus in vivoSpeaker: Alec Davidson (USA)
11:45 - How clocks talk to clocks globallySpeaker: Rae Silver (USA)
12:10 - Selected abstractSymposium 2: Metabolism
10:30 – 12:30 (AM 2)Chair: Etienne Challet (France)
10:30 - Rhythms in the gut - a novel link between diet and metabolism?Speaker: Silke Kiessling (Germany)
10:55 - The liver clock and its pervasive role in health and diseaseSpeaker: Atish Mukherji (France)
11:20 - Human meal anticipationSpeaker: Cheryl Isherwood (UK)
11:45 - Selected abstract12:00 - Selected abstract
12:15 - Selected abstract
Symposium 3: Biological Timing Frontiers in Psychiatric Disorders & Mental Health
10:30 – 12:30 (AM 3)Chair: Thomas Erren (Germany)
10:30 - The light-dark cycle during development and later life affective disordersPhilip Lewis (Germany)
10:55 - New approaches to studying mechanisms underlying sleep and circadian rhythm disruption in mental healthStuart Peirson (UK)
11:20 - Delayed sleep timing and mental disorder: implications and interventionsNicholas Meyer (UK)
11:45 - Selected abstract12:00 - Selected abstract
12:15 - Selected abstract
Symposium 4: Short and Long Clocks
10:30 – 12:30 (AM 4)Chairs: Kristin Tessmar-Raible (Austria) & Charlotte Förster (Germany)
10:30 - Lunar effects on the behavior of humans and other primatesSpeaker: Horacio de la Iglesia (USA)
10:55 - Photoperiodism: insights from insectsSpeaker: Sakiko Shiga (Japan)
11:20 - Timing in the deep sea: circatidal rhythms in a hot vent shrimpSpeaker: Jin Sun (China)
11:45 - Selected abstract12:00 - Selected abstract
12:15 - Selected abstract
12:30 – 12:40 - Group Photo of All Participants (Entrance Stairs)
12:40 – 14:00 - Lunch Break and Poster Session A
Symposium 5: Cell Biology
14:00 – 16:00 (AM 1)Chair: Ganna Panasyuk (France)
14:00 - TalkSpeaker: Satchidananda Panda (USA)
14:25 - TalkSpeaker: Mimi Shirasu-Hiza (USA)
14:50 - TalkSpeaker: David Jacobi (France)
15:15 - TalkSpeaker: Marnie Blewitt (Australia)
15:40 - Selected abstractSymposium 6: Clock, Brain and Behavior
14:00 – 16:00 (AM 4)Chair: Johanna H. Meijer (Netherlands)
14:00 - TalkSpeaker: Masao Doi (Japan)
14:25 - TalkSpeaker: Alena Sumova (Czech Republic)
14:50 - Talk Speaker: Martin Ralph (Canada)
15:15 - Selected abstract15:30 - Selected abstract
15:45 - Selected abstract
Symposium 7: Circadian Medicine: Detecting the Clock
14:00 – 16:00 (AM 3)Chair: Achim Kramer (Germany)
14:00 - TalkSpeaker: Derk-Jan Dijk (UK)
14:25 - TalkSpeaker: Felix Naef (Switzerland)
14:50 - TalkSpeaker: Luisa Klaus Pilz (Germany)
15:15 - Selected abstract15:30 - Selected abstract
15:45 - Selected abstract
Symposium 8: Evolution
14:00 – 16:00 (AM 4)Chair: Emi Nagoshi (Switzerland)
14:00 - Evolution of circadian clock genesSpeaker: David Doležel (Czech Republic)
14:25 - Mechanisms underlying circadian plasticity loss in an equatorial endemic speciesSpeaker: Michael Parviz Shahandeh (Switzerland)
14:50 - Punctual parasites: why are rhythms advantageous?Speaker: Sarah Reece (Ireland)
15:15 - Selected abstract15:30 - Selected abstract
15:45 - Selected abstract
16:00 – 16:30 - Coffee Break
Symposium 9: President’s Symposium
16:30 – 18:00 (AM 1)Chair: Charalambos Kyriacou (UK)
16:30 – 16:35 - Introduction by Chair16:35 - Talk
Speaker: Christoph Scheiermann (Switzerland)
16:55 - TalkSpeaker: Charo Robles (Germany)
17:20 - TalkSpeaker: Hannah Durrington (UK)
17:40 - TalkSpeaker: John O’Neill (UK)
Evening Activity - TBD
Tuesday 26 August 2025
08:15 – 09:00 - EBRS Board Meeting (by invitation only) (AM S2)
08:45 – 09:15 - Welcome Coffee (Foyer)
09:15 – 10:00 - Axelrod Lecture (AM 1)
10:00 – 10:30 - Coffee Break
12:00 - Selected abstract
12:15 - Selected abstract
12:00 - Selected abstract
12:15 - Selected abstract
12:00 - Selected abstract
12:15 - Selected abstract
12:00 - Selected abstract
12:15 - Selected abstract
12:30 – 14:00 - Lunch Break and Poster Session B
15:30 - Selected abstract
15:45 - Selected abstract
15:45 - Selected abstract
15:45 - Selected abstract
15:45 - Selected abstract
15:45 - Selected abstract
15:30 - Selected abstract
15:45 - Selected abstract
16:00 – 16:30 - Coffee Break
16:30 – 17:15 - JSC Lecture (AM 1)
Evening Activity - TBD
08:45 – 09:15 - Welcome Coffee (Foyer)
09:15 – 10:00 - Axelrod Lecture (AM 1)
Chair: Ruud Buijs (Mexico)
Speaker: Andries Kalsbeek (Netherlands)
Talk title
10:00 – 10:30 - Coffee Break
Symposium 10: Molecular Sleep Circuits
10:30 – 12:30 (AM 1)Chair: Henrik Bringmann (Germany)
10:30 - TalkSpeaker: Niels Niethard (Germany)
10:50 - TalkSpeaker: Hanna Zwaka (Germany)
11:10 - TalkSpeaker: David Owald (Germany)
11:30 - TalkSpeaker: Henrik Bringmann (Germany)
11:45 - Selected abstract12:00 - Selected abstract
12:15 - Selected abstract
Symposium 11: Endocrine Function
10:30 – 12:30 (AM 2)Chair: Charna Dibner (Switzerland)
10:30 - TalkSpeaker: Anna Krook (Sweden)
10:55 - TalkSpeaker: Henriette Uhlenhaut (Germany)
11:20 - Restoring 24-hour substrate rhythmicity to improve glycemic control by timing of lifestyle factorsSpeaker: Joris Hoeks (Netherlands)
11:45 - Selected abstract12:00 - Selected abstract
12:15 - Selected abstract
Symposium 12: Circadian Medicine: Targeting the Clock
10:30 – 12:30 (AM 3)Chair: Sara Montagnese (Italy)
10:30 - Emerging links between the sleep and circadian system and cardiometabolic diseaseSpeaker: David Ray (UK)
10:55 - The Potential of Circadian Medicine in Preventing Acute and Chronic Outcomes of Critical IllnessSpeakers: Lilian Engelhardt & Laura Hancke (Germany)
11:20 - Minding the Implementation Gap in Circadian Medicine: Lessons from ADHDSpeaker:Andrew Coogan (Ireland)
11:45 - Selected abstract12:00 - Selected abstract
12:15 - Selected abstract
Symposium 13: Clocks in the Wild
10:30 – 12:30 (AM 4)Chair: Till Roenneberg (Germany)
10:30 - The circadian clock in the deep seaSpeaker: Audrey Mat (Austria)
10:55 - Effects of environmental factors on rhythms in mosquito-host interactionsSpeaker: Clément Vinauger (USA)
11:20 - Ultradian sleep cycle dynamics during human infancySpeaker: Grégory Hammad (Belgium)
11:45 - Selected abstract12:00 - Selected abstract
12:15 - Selected abstract
12:30 – 14:00 - Lunch Break and Poster Session B
Symposium 14: Post-translational Regulations in Clock and Sleep (JSC-EBRS Joint Symposium)
14:00 – 16:10 (AM 2)Chair: Sato Honma (Japan)
14:00 - TalkSpeaker: Hikari Yoshitane (Japan)
14:25 - TalkSpeaker: Hiroki Ueda (Japan)
14:50 - TalkSpeaker: Arisa Hirano (Japan)
15:15 - Selected abstract15:30 - Selected abstract
15:45 - Selected abstract
Symposium 15: ESRS-EBRS Joint Symposium
14:00 – 16:00 (AM 3)Chair: tba
14:00 - TalkSpeaker:tba
14:25 - TalkSpeaker: tba
14:50 - TalkSpeaker: tba
15:30 - Selected abstract15:45 - Selected abstract
15:45 - Selected abstract
Symposium 16: Metabolic Disorders
14:00 – 16:00 (AM 3)Chair: Chair: Susanne la Fleur & Dirk Jan Stenvers (Netherlands)
14:00 - TalkSpeaker:Jonathan Cedernaes (Sweden)
14:25 - TalkSpeaker: Charna Dibner (Switzerland)
14:50 - TalkSpeaker: Dirk Jan Stenvers (Netherlands)
15:30 - Selected abstract15:45 - Selected abstract
15:45 - Selected abstract
Symposium 17: Neural Circuits Controlling Circadian Timekeeping
14:00 – 16:00 (AM 4)Chair: Marco Brancaccio (UK)
14:00 - Glial control of circadian rhythmsSpeaker: Marco Brancaccio (UK)
14:25 - Dissecting the Neural Network of Mammalian Circadian ClockSpeaker: Jun Yang (China)
14:50 - The role of the Salt-Inducible Kinases in coordinating SCN functionSpeaker: Aarti Jagannath (UK)
15:15 - Selected abstract15:30 - Selected abstract
15:45 - Selected abstract
16:00 – 16:30 - Coffee Break
16:30 – 17:15 - JSC Lecture (AM 1)
Chair: Ken-ichi Honma (Japan)
Speaker: Michihiro Mieda (Japan)
Talk: tba
Evening Activity - TBD
Wednesday 27 August 2025
08:45 – 09:15 - Welcome Coffee (Foyer)
09:15 – 10:00 - Gwinner Lecture (AM 1)
10:00 – 10:30 - Coffee Break
12:00 - Selected abstract
12:15 - Selected abstract
12:00 - Selected abstract
12:15 - Selected abstract
12:00 - Selected abstract
12:15 - Selected abstract
12:30 – 14:00 - EBRS Members’ Assembly (AM 1)
14:00 – 19:00 - Free Time or Social Activities
19:00 - Banquet in Schuppen 9
09:15 – 10:00 - Gwinner Lecture (AM 1)
Chair: Luisa Klaus Pilz (Germany)
Speaker: Martha Merrow (Germany)
Talk title
10:00 – 10:30 - Coffee Break
Symposium 18: Systems Chronobiology
10:30 – 12:30 (AM 1)Chair: Felix Naef (Switzerland)
10:30 - TalkSpeaker: Achim Kramer (Germany)
10:55 - TalkSpeaker: Jacqueline Lane (USA)
11:20 - TalkSpeaker: Laura van Rosmalen (USA)
11:45 - TalkSpeaker: Ruud M Buijs (Mexico)
12:10 - Selected abstractSymposium 19: Wherefore a TTFL?
10:30 – 12:30 (AM 2)Chair: Martin Ralph (Canada)
10:30 - Preparation for food availability, and other important thingsSpeaker: Ralph Mistlberger (Canada)
10:55 - A dopamine regulated circadian resonator underlying sensorimotor integrationSpeaker: Adam Stinchcombe (Canada)
11:20 - Ageing and circadian rhythm-dependent epigenomic regulationSpeaker: Arturus Petronis (Canada)
11:45 - Selected abstract12:00 - Selected abstract
12:15 - Selected abstract
Symposium 20: Circadian Medicine in Patient Care
10:30 – 12:30 (AM 3)Chair: Laura Kervezee (Netherlands)
10:30 - Light, circadian rhythms, and psychiatrySpeaker: Elise McGlashan (Australia)
10:55 - Sampling in the real world: What can ambulatory biosampling tell us about our rhythms?Speaker: Thomas Upton (UK)
11:20 - Circadian Medicine in the Intensive Care UnitSpeaker: Laura Kervezee (Netherlands)
11:45 - Selected abstract12:00 - Selected abstract
12:15 - Selected abstract
Symposium 21: Clocks in Diverse Species
10:30 – 12:30 (AM 4)Chair: Cristiano Bertolucci (Italy)
10:30 - Living without “clock”: Exploring cnidarians endogenous rhythmSpeaker: Oren Levy (Israel)
10:55 - The sexy clock of the bee: The influence of sex and caste on circadian rhythmsSpeaker:Guy Bloch (Israel)
11:20 - Clocks in the dark: Adaptations of circadian clocks in cave animalsSpeaker:Nicholas Foulkes (Germany)
11:45 - Selected abstract12:00 - Selected abstract
12:15 - Selected abstract
12:30 – 14:00 - EBRS Members’ Assembly (AM 1)
14:00 – 19:00 - Free Time or Social Activities
19:00 - Banquet in Schuppen 9
Presentation of the Kappers Medal Recipient
Ashoff’s Ruler
Thursday 28 August 2025
08:45 – 09:15 - Welcome Coffee (Foyer)
09:15 – 10:00 - Keynote Lecture (AM 1)
10:00 – 10:30 - Coffee Break
12:00 - Selected abstract
12:15 - Selected abstract
12:00 - Selected abstract
12:15 - Selected abstract
12:00 - Selected abstract
12:15 - Selected abstract
12:00 - Selected abstract
12:15 - Selected abstract
12:30 – 14:00 - Lunch Break and Poster Session C
14:00 – 14:30 - Awards
Congress Closing
09:15 – 10:00 - Keynote Lecture (AM 1)
Chair: Francois Rouyer (France)
Speaker: Ralf Stanewsky (Germany)
Talk title
10:00 – 10:30 - Coffee Break
Symposium 22: Computation and Modeling
10:30 – 12:30 (AM 1)Chair: Hanspeter Herzel (Germany)
10:30 - Mathematical modeling and controlling of spatiotemporal dynamics in Arabidopsis circadian clockSpeaker: Isao Tokuda (Japan)
10:55 - TalkSpeaker: Marta Del Olmo (Spain)
11:20 - TalkSpeaker: Shaon Chakrabarti (India)
11:45 - Selected abstract12:00 - Selected abstract
12:15 - Selected abstract
Symposium 23: Circadian Regulation of Immunity
10:30 – 12:30 (AM 2)Chair: Julie Gibbs (UK)
10:30 - Host immune responses and circadian rhythms in the context of malaria and leishmaniasisSpeaker: Nicolas Cermakian (Canada)
10:55 - The molecular circadian clock in asthmaSpeaker: Eva Böhm (Austria)
11:20 - Exploring the role of circadian rhythms in Neurodevelopmental disordersSpeaker: Paola Tognini (Italy)
11:45 - Selected abstract12:00 - Selected abstract
12:15 - Selected abstract
Symposium 24: At the Intersection of Light, Sleep, and Circadian Timing (ACS-EBRS Joint Symposium)
10:30 – 12:30 (AM 3)Chair: Oliver Rawashdeh (Australia)
10:30 - Interactive effects of sleep, circadian timing, and light on mood and cognition in adolescents Speaker: Shanthakumar Wilson Rajaratnam (Australia)
10:55 - Individual variability in light-dark patterns and circadian entrainment Speaker: Julia Stone (Australia)
11:20 - New perspectives on the molecular control of circadian timing and sleep Speaker: Oliver Rawashdeh (Australia)
11:45 - Selected abstract12:00 - Selected abstract
12:15 - Selected abstract
Symposium 25: Seasonality
10:30 – 12:30 (AM 4)Chair: Takashi Yoshimura (Japan)
10:30 - TalkSpeaker: Shona Wood (Norway)
10:55 - TalkSpeaker: Roelof Hut (Netherlands)
11:20 - TalkSpeaker: Luisa Jabbur (UK)
11:45 - Selected abstract12:00 - Selected abstract
12:15 - Selected abstract
12:30 – 14:00 - Lunch Break and Poster Session C
14:00 – 14:30 - Awards
Congress Closing